Essential Oils and Chakras

Seven Chakras

Hello friends, For the purposes of this email, I am giving only a brief introduction of chakras with corresponding suggested Essential Oils that can be topically applied or diffused separately or in a mixture, to help improve the body’s response to external factors. When using topically, always dilute the oil/s with a carrier oil. The…

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Rose-Colored Glasses

pink glasses

Hello happy friends! Dave Blanchard, acclaimed best-selling author of an amazing book called The Observer’s Chair, has written, “As humans, we have been given a unique gift, the ability to step back and become aware of our unhealthy habits of thinking – we can become the Observer of our thoughts. This process is called metacognition.”  In other words,…

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Celebrate Beeing Well!  

logo beeing well

Hello friends, In celebration of four joyful years of serving you, reflect with us on how far you’ve come on your health journey. We are grateful to continue to assist you with the amazing services we offer here at Beeing Well. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life and sharing this wonderful experience…

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All Things Summer!

sun and beach

Hey everyone, Warmer weather is in full swing and we are out doing “all things” summer usually starting after Memorial Day and ending with Labor Day in September; summer vacations, family reunions, camping, hiking, river rafting, fishing, outdoor swimming pools, fireworks, barbeques, amusement parks and many more. Did you know that you are actively participating in transforming your…

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Self Help Holds

self help fingerholds

Hello my dear friend, Have you heard of self help holds? I had not until I came upon this information from Astrid Kauffmann who is a Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner and Self Help Teacher. She suggests specific hand holds to help with the emotions – worry, fear, anger, sadness, and efforting. Our energy body is made…

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