Universal Laws
The Law of Compensation
Hello my dear friend, Today we are learning about the Law of Compensation. This law states that you will always be rewarded based on the amount of effort you put in. Keep in mind, the word ‘compensation’ means to pay back or reimburse. This does not mean that you will always be compensated with money or…
Read MoreThe Law of Perpetual Transmuted Energy
Hello my dear friend, Today we will be discussing the Law of Transmuted Energy. This law reminds us that energy is always in a state of motion, and is constantly changing form. In the book “The Science of Getting Rich,” by Wallace Wattles, he states that “the Law of Perpetual Transmutation is energy from the…
Read MoreThe Law of Inspired Action
Hello my dear friend, Today I am going to address The Law of Inspired Action. This law is about encourages. It nudges you to take small actionable steps toward your goals and dreams. Tune into this law…When you feel stuck, for energy and inspiration, and to break a habit. For this law to help you,…
Read MoreThe Law of Correspondence
Hello my dear friend, Today we are going to talk about the Law of Correspondence. This is from the book “Energy in Action” by Sheriana Boyle. Tune into this law to … Transform a pattern, Regain your power, Honor your reflections. The Law of Correspondence states that our outer world reflects our inner world. In…
Read MoreThe Law of Cause & Effect
Hello my dear friend, This week we are discussing the Law of Cause and Effect. This law’s focus is that every action has a reaction. Every action you take has a ripple effect. This shows up in your world this way… If you focus on your losses, conflicts or struggles, this will cause a ripple…
Read MoreThe Law of Vibration
Hello my dear friends, Today, I am sharing the law of vibration. You will want to tune into this law when you are feeling uncertain, stuck, alone or you want to increase your presence. This law teaches us that everything in the universe is in constant motion. Nothing rests. Vibration is the energy of your…
Read MoreThe Law of Divine Oneness
Hello dear friends, I have read a very interesting book about universal laws. It is much more than just that, but I would like to share with you only the parts about the universal laws. If you would like all the other information, you will have to read the book yourself. It is called Energy in…
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