
Dear Friend-

In my lifetime, there is no better example of love for ALL people than Mother Teresa.

I came across this quote from her this past week and want to share it with you.

“If we have no peace it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

This seems very appropriate with all the violence happening in our country right now. My first thought is maybe we have been isolated from each other for almost a year and we have lost that human connection. We need each other and we all belong to this earth family whether we want to or not. Violence is never the answer. Fear creates anxiety and anxiety will create anger over love. Love is healing for ourselves and others.

I remember this quote from my high school days and I do not know the reference. It is “make love, not war.” We need to love, not hate and not hurt! Love is always the answer! Which brings up another quote that I have not thought about for several years and this one is from my first husband, Robb Stinger. With his very infectious smile, he would always say, “Share the love!!”

Thank you for this opportunity to share love and peace with you! 

With much gratitude – Janalee

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