Supplement Testing
We check your supplements with your body's energy to make sure you are getting the most optimal nutritional support your body needs.

Customize your daily supplement plan
Combining the technology of Western medicine with the fluidity of Eastern medicine tools, we can ensure your supplement program meets your unique needs without waste, uncertainty, or distraction. With a 15-minute in-office visit, you can feel confident about getting your body exactly what it requires to experience BEEING WELL! Click here to schedule today.
- Does this supplement test well for my body?
- Do I take this supplement in the morning or at night?
- Can I take all my supplements together or spread them out during the day?
- Do I follow the serving size and take 2?
- Do my supplements interfere with my prescription medicines?
- Do I take my supplements with food or on an empty stomach?
- Learn about our preferred brand.
- Cost per session for up to 15 supplements...... $45
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“Taking the guesswork out of my daily vitamins and supplements has made it beyond simple to balance my body and feel great every day!"
- Corrine M.
What is the Next step?