Are You Doing The Math That Matters?

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Are you doing the math that really matters?

It’s not as hard or as scary as you imagine.

It’s so much easier than you think!

We’re very excited to show you and all it takes is about 30 minutes of your time.

We believe the information is so important to your well being that we’ve scheduled FREE online classes to get the word out!

You don’t need to leave your house. Stay warm and cozy in your own home. Just hop on a zoom call with us on our Teaching Tuesday.

We know everyone is super busy…that’s why we scheduled a few different times each Tuesday. You are invited to join us at 4:30PM MST, or 5:00PM MST, or even 5:30PM MST.  You choose!

We’ll be watching for your smiling face in our zoom room.

TEACHING TUESDAY zoom link: 826 1816 5465

Cheers to your PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!

Wishing you much JOY & ABUNDANCE


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