Essential Oils and Chakras

Hello friends,
For the purposes of this email, I am giving only a brief introduction of chakras with corresponding suggested Essential Oils that can be topically applied or diffused separately or in a mixture, to help improve the body’s response to external factors. When using topically, always dilute the oil/s with a carrier oil.
The human body is composed of energy. How we live and experience life can be defined by the body’s ability to communicate with itself through the pulses of electricity that are sent through the entire body.
From the Sanskrit language comes the term chakra which means a disk or wheel, referring to the energy centers in the physical body. The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC and can be thought of as our body’s subtle energy system. There could be over a hundred chakras in the human body but only seven chakra points in the body from the head all the way down the spine, affecting emotional and physical health, are referred to regularly. These seven chakras reside on what modern medicine refers to as our central nervous system. The central nervous system is responsible for sending energy signals to various glands in the body. In a healthy body, these energy signals flow where and when needed without obstructions and impingements. Keeping the chakras open and unblocked can be very beneficial to this process.
The names of the seven chakras from the base to the top of the spine are: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.
1. The Root chakra, the first chakra found at the base of your spine, refers to the basic concept on an instinctual level of providing us with a will to live and overcome challenges. Essential Oils helpful for this chakra include cedarwood, vetiver, myrrh, frankincense, grapefruit, pine, and spikenard. Appy oil/s topically to the bottom of your feet.
2. The Sacral Plexus chakra, the second chakra located in the pelvic region, a couple of inches below the belly button, is the foundation of a self-awareness and supportive ego. Essential Oils helpful for this chakra are sandalwood, clary sage, cardamon, cinnamon bark, jasmine, ylang ylang, rose, and tangerine. The oil/s can be used as a mist or applied topically to the area below the belly button.
3. The Solar Plexus chakra, the third chakra found between the belly button and the sternum, lines up almost perfectly with the cluster of nerves of the same name. This is the chakra that helps self-confidence and personal power align together in harmony. Essential Oils helpful for this chakra are rosemary, atlas cedarwood, lemongrass, helichrysum, grapefruit, marjoram, black pepper, and ginger root. Apply oil/s topically to neck, wrists, and chest.
4. The Heart chakra, the fourth chakra found in the region of the heart, is the center for learning to forgive, moving on, treating others with compassion, and helping heal and care for the rest of your chakras. Essential Oils helpful for this chakra include lavender, rose, lime, and spearmint. The oil/s can be used as a mist or applied topically to the heart region.
5. The Throat chakra, the fifth chakra located in the center of your neck, is a powerful force, intended to help one express their inner truth. Essential Oils helpful for this chakra include peppermint, chamomile, frankincense, cypress, and blue tansy. Apply oil/s topically to throat and upper chest area.
6. The Third Eye chakra, the sixth chakra only becomes active at adolescence. Located in the center of your brow and closely linked to the pineal gland in the brain, it is responsible for your sleep cycle. Healthy sleep equals a healthy chakra. Essential Oils helpful for this chakra include clary sage, lemon, sandalwood, ylang ylang, lavender, pine, and frankincense. Apply oil/s topically to forehead and temples.
7. The Crown chakra, the seventh chakra located at the very top of your head, allows one to find meaning in the heavens above and is thought to be the link between our physical selves and the Divine. Essential Oils helpful for this chakra include frankincense, white lotus, rosewood, sandalwood, and lemon. Appy oil/s topically to the area between your eyebrows or the top of your head.
Becoming aware of the seven chakras and the helpful Essential Oils are other tools to help balance ourselves to experience a quality life filled with health and joy.
As always, the team at Beeing Well is available to help you on your health journey.