Hello, dear friends
I recently read an interesting article published by The New England Journal of Medicine. This article was about CVD (cardiovascular disease). It stated that 50% of the incidents of CVD and approximately 20% of deaths from CVD could be caused by five risk factors:
1-body mass index
2-systolic blood pressure
3-non-HDL cholesterol
4-current smoking
Looking at these 5 factors and doing a world wide research study, it was found that the best way to reduce CVD is reversing type 2 diabetes. YES, decreasing your blood sugar. Focusing on this will actually decrease all the other risk factors except smoking.
Some of you know this has been a quest of mine for almost the past 2 years due to my carbohydrate sensitivity. I have become quite educated on how to decrease your blood sugar. If you would like help on this journey, I am here for you. I did not do this on my own. I have done 2 different programs, the first one helped me detox and move away from sugar, the second one helped me with my blood sugar regulation.
Life without sugar is doable. It is easier for me if I totally stay away from it, since it is still a trigger for me. That is supposed to get better the longer you heal. My body pain has decreased by 75-80%. My brain function has increased probably that much. The brain fog is gone! I feel so much better. I had to experience this myself to believe it.
Next week I will address symptoms of blood sugar dysregulation, and the numbers you should have when testing your blood sugar.
Much love and gratitude –