The Law of Giving and Receiving

Hello my dear friend,
Today we are learning about the Law of Giving and Receiving. This is taken from the book, “Energy in Action” by Sherianna Boyle, Chapter 16.
The Law of Giving and Receiving is about constant flow and effortless exchange. It is the constant exchange of giving and receiving that keeps the energy of abundance in flow. This law reminds you that when you give, you are contributing to this abundance, and when you receive, you are allowing yourself to have an experience. To experience something fully requires opening and relaxing your flow. Neither giving or receiving is better than the other. We need both to live in harmony and circulate abundance.
This law says that when you give, expect nothing in return, and when you receive, take it in fully: do not deny or restrict the energy. Accept everything as perfect. This law is not just about money. It works in accordance with any form of giving and receiving. For example, you may give of your time, love, or attention to another. It can be as simple as offering someone a hand, a compliment, or a smile.
Same goes for when you receive. If someone takes time with you, fully receive it. Don’t spend time looking at your phone, be fully present to the love that person you are with has for you. Be sure not to judge or criticize someone else’s efforts.
If you truly want abundance, work with this law. It is right there, always in the works. If you carry the belief that you are alone and unlovable or that you have to do everything (with little support from others), you are out of alignment. Begin to balance yourself out. You may be overdoing it in one of these areas. When you do, the energy of creating the remarkable gets shut down. Stay true to your intentions.
You are disconnected from this law when…
– You go along with something just so you don’t appear needy or like a poor sport.
– You are longing for affection.
– You minimize compliments or opportunities to connect with others.
– You overcompensate for others. For example, you do extra because you believe others aren’t capable or won’t do their part.
– You say things like, “I will figure it out”, or “It is not a big deal”.
– You take more than you give.
– You take little to no time for yourself.
You are connected to this law when…
– You practice self-compassion.
– You say thank you to the universe regardless of what the attraction is.
– You have discernment. For example, you notice the difference between giving and enabling.
– You notice what your body feels like when it is deprived of energy (tight, tense) and choose to receive more (via the intentions).
– You give without expecting anything in return.
– You are genuinely happy for others.
– You are able to say thank you to your attraction (even if they were uncomfortable).
– You feel a sense of inner fulfillment.
– You enjoy both giving and receiving.
Manifesting Message: One way to gently move yourself back into alignment with this law is by doing the following breathing exercise. Sit or stand up tall. Soften your eyes and notice your breath. Observe your inhalation and exhalation. Think of your inhale as receiving and your exhale as giving. Now, ask your spirit, Could I benefit from receiving or giving more? Notice your response in your body. For example, if your inhale is longer than your exhale. Just notice. If you are inhaling more, this may mean you could benefit more from receiving more energy. If you are favoring your exhale (which can feel slower and shallower), you may benefit from giving (offering) energy (attention) to those around you or the planet. This could be as simple as picking up litter outside or helping a stranger by holding the door. There is no judgment here, just an opportunity to listen and learn how to balance your inner energy. If you could benefit from receiving more, try placing your palms together in front of your heart when you inhale and exhale. This can be a wonderful way to receive calm, presence and self-love.
Affirmation: Giving and receiving come easily and naturally to me now.
Happy Giving and Receiving!
Much love, joy and gratitude, Janalee