The Law of Polarity

love harmony

Hello my dear friend,

Today we will learn about the Law of Polarity. This law teaches us that everything has an opposite; everything has a pole. Love and hate, masculine and feminine, yin and yang. This tells us we always have a choice. You can either acknowledge (process) or repress what you feel. If the Law of Polarity could talk it would say, allow differences; they will always exist. The Law of Polarity shows how moving in the opposite direction (like from reactive to compassionate) is sometimes the best approach you can take.

You are disconnected from this law when…

– You fight with your experiences, people, and situations.

– You shut down your energy or emotions by overemphasizing differences, perhaps through exaggerated complaints or extreme reactions.

– You resist energy, movement, or change.

– You feel a loss of purpose, drained, or numb. 

– You feel like you are repeating the same patterns. 

– You judge or label others, perhaps calling someone toxic or controlling.

You are connected to this law when…

– You accept things, people, and circumstances as they are without trying to change (or judge) them. 

– You choose to bring balance and harmony into your life (perhaps taking time to recharge).

– You feel centered and balanced.

– You no longer judge, analyze, or give too much meaning (interpretation) to what someone else is doing.

– You are able to respect and honor differences. 

– You choose an opposite reaction.

Manifesting Message: When you are too attached to the physical, perhaps how others act or think, you are likely out of sync with this law. For example, if you see discord, arguing, or disagreements around you, it is likely there is too much emphasis on the physical. In other words, you forget the opposite of physical is non-physical. Get to know yourself as a non-physical being. Conflict requires healing, and healing cannot happen without the intention of love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance. These are non-physical states.

Affirmation: I am open and enriched by new ways of seeing and experiencing things.

This is from the book “Energy in Action” by Sherianna Boyle, Chapter 15.

Much love, joy and gratitude! Janalee

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