The Law of Rhythm

new year

Hello my dear friend,

Today we are going to learn about the last universal law, the Law of Rhythm. This law is from chapter 17 from the book “Energy in Action” by Sherianna Boyle.

Tune into this law to…Increase energetic flow. Complete a cycle. Develop skills.

The Law of Rhythm shows us how everything in the universe is like a pendulum. It follows what Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion proves: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Whenever something swings in one direction, it will eventually return to the opposite direction.

The Law of Rhythm is about cycles, transitions, and chapters coming to completion. Yet so often, old behaviors and thought patterns get repeated, which puts you in a reactive mode, and as a result, your flow gets interrupted. Reframing some of these thoughts can help. For example, rather than use the word “quit”, reframe it as “completion” or “transition”. Rather than “what if”, say “what is”. You may also reframe “what if” to “when”. For example, rather than saying “what if they break up with me”? Instead say, “when this situation completes itself, I will feel…”. Rather than say, “I quit my job”, say, “I am in transition”, or “that job came to completion”.

Other words and phrases to look out for are “next” and “have to”. When you are focused on what is next or what you have to do, you are no longer connected to the moment. Give yourself permission to complete something (energetically) before putting your attention on something else. While the world may be designed for multitasking, it doesn’t really allow you to get into rhythm. Think of an artist painting. In order to create, manifest, and express what is inside of them onto the page, they get themselves in a bit of a zone. Imagine this artist answering their texts, emailing, or watching a movie at the same time. This would produce a very different energy.

Should things move out of balance, or rhythm, this law reminds you that everything will fall back into place. When, how, or in what way is out of your control. By consciously choosing to focus on the energy in action inside of you, you can work with the laws, and therefore, you will know that things will fall back to place in a better (less stressful) position than before. The point is that it is okay to be uncomfortable or a little out of sorts. Assume the Law of Rhythm is at work as long as you are moving energy. Work with the laws, not against them. Be a partner.

You are disconnected from this law when…

– You worry about the “what if”?

– You feel like you are managing the unknown.

– You think about what is “next” or are always trying to “figure things out”.

– You need a concrete (rather than a flexible) plan or answer to move forward.

– You do something because you don’t want to fall back (or regress to) the person you once were.

– You are fixated on wanting things a certain way. 

– You spend a lot of time indoors or feel heavy or depressed. 

– You feel anxious and therefore need to get prepared (have a plan B) “just in case”.

You are connected to this law when…

– You go with the flow of life rather than resist it.

– You no longer view yourself as separate parts (such as ” used to be someone who drank too much”).

– You are able to embrace and love all aspects of yourself without judgment. 

– You feel whole and are able to be your authentic self in all situations (home, work, and so on).

– You listen to music or go for a walk out in nature.

– You are able to trust the subtle signs and synchronicities. 

– You connect and open yourself up to others. 

– You feel you have outgrown something and are no longer interested in old patterns (such as reactions).

– You feel guided and can see there are many pathways to take.

– You focus on energy (the way something feels inside) more than what people say or do.

Manifesting Message: Remember, one birthday candle can light all the other candles. Be sure to light your candle first and allow your light to spill over into the world. We are one (Law of Divine Oneness).

Be open and honest with yourself and others; your compensation will be that much sweeter (Law of Compensation).

You are not stuck (Law of Vibration). Things are shifting and changing for you, even when you can’t see it (Law of Perpetual Transmuted Energy).

Focus more on the movement of energy (Law of Attraction) rather than what you want. Detach from the outcome (Law of Detachment). Allow your inner movement to be the source of your own inspiration (Law of Inspired Action).

Know that what is happening in front of you is likely inside of you (Law of Correspondence).

Treat energy respectfully, and offer your energy to others freely, with no agenda or motive. Be sure to take time to receive to replenish yourself (Law of Giving and Receiving).

When things become too extreme or intense, aim for the opposite of what you are feeling; this is the direction for moving back to source (Law of Polarity).

Remember, everything in its rawest form is energy; therefore, don’t get too attached to labels and meanings (Law of Relativity).

Know when things are out of sorts and you are having trouble finding your stride that things will fall back into place, most likely better than before, so long as you keep your energy in flow (Law of Rhythm).

The things you do or say have energy and ripple out into the world; keeping your energy in action will help you create peace and freedom (Law of Cause and Effect).

Your purpose is to cultivate energy so you can receive the love, guidance, and support around you. Let your spirit lead the way.

The practice of observing and noticing anchors you to the present moment. The practice of allowing and receiving gives you the means to access higher-dimensional frequencies (such as unconditional love, joy, abundance). One is not better than the other. They work in tandem, with each other and the Spiritual Laws of the Universe.

Affirmation: I am a creative being. I am energy in action.

I hope you have enjoyed this journey as much as I have.

Much love, joy and gratitude! Janalee

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